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Let’s Talk About Cannabis

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Let’s Talk About Cannabis

Now that 4/20 is behind us, and now that I’ve written blog after blog about Covid-19 and the ways it’s changing how to buy marijuana in Colorado, I can finally get back to writing about that which I love the most: cannabis. Honestly, it’s the best job in the world, but it’s also a necessary one because they don’t teach you about marijuana in school (such a drag), so most shoppers out there don’t know what to look for. So usually, I sit here week after week trying to educate the masses per all the vagaries associated with legal weed, but I haven’t been able to do that lately because I’ve had to spend my time writing about how this global pandemic is affecting our Durango dispensary. And given that I’ve been off track lately, the stuff I’ve been wanting to talk about has stacked up, and as such, I’m going to write about all of it at once in this catchall post, so let’s dive into it.

New Strains

First, I need to tell you about all the new and wonderful strains that are coming out of our marijuana cultivation, because this new pot is some of the best we’ve ever grown or sold. Seriously. So, let’s simply start with my favorite new cultivar, Borealis, which is a deeply purple strain created via a cross of two pure indica varietals, Northern Lights and Skunk #1. This strain will be fruity and sweet on the pallet, but there’s a heavy serving of hash on the exhale with a touch of skunk. Borealis brings with it a dreamy, sedative high, but it’s subtle enough to avoid couch-lock. This stuff is extremely terpene-rich with Limonene, ß-Caryophyllene, Pinene, Linalool, and Ocimene. Honestly, our Borealis is the best indica strain available in Durango right now, so I wouldn’t be mad if you stopped reading now and came to get some before it sells out. And while we’re talking about new Indica strains, we also need to discuss Afgooey because this strain is in any indica-lover’s wheelhouse—it’s an indica-leaning hybrid bred from a cross between Maui Haze and Afghani. The earth and pine-rich nose would suggest a deeply relaxing high, but this strain can also bring with it plenty of creative giddiness, so Afgooey is well suited for just about any occasion.

And I don’t want you Sativa lovers to think we’ve left you out because we’ve also just debuted Bazookies #10, which is a strain made famous by the Front Range right here in Colorado. It’s a cross between Bubblegum and Girl Scout Cookies, but the nose you’d expect is replaced by hops and grass, and the plant itself is a lovely dark green covered with so many crystals it looks like a saltshaker was used. Rich in the calming terpenes ß-Caryophyllene and ß -Myrcene, plus the euphoric terpenes Humulene and Limonene, this is the type of marijuana for which connoisseurs live. We also have brand-new cuts of Truth Serum, Super White, Fuel Biscuits, and a few others popping off, so if you’re sick of the same old weed, come see us.

CRC Concentrates

Alright… I’m going to switch gears without a segue and talk about CRC concentrates, so bear with me:

When you look at a gram of BHO (“butane hash oil”) wax or shatter, the two things you can use to gauge its quality would be the nose and the appearance. For the nose, you want to smell cannabis terpenes without a chemically after-scent, and for the appearance, you want something light in color that looks homogeneous. The reason for the “light in color” marker is that trichomes start to darken if the flower is old or if the cure was off, so, dark in, dark out. If the wax or shatter is dark, it most likely means that the source flower wasn’t that good, which will definitely affect the quality of the final product. That brings us to CRC, which stands for “color remediation column.”

You see, stoners are oddly ingenious, and we keep coming up with new and improved ways to get stoned, because that’s what we do. So, a “CRC” is actually a large, stainless steel column filled with either T5 Clay or Silica Mesh. All they do is pump the finished BHO through the CRC, and it filters out all of the impurities such as lipids and chlorophyll to make the end product much lighter in color—sometimes, it’ll filter the BHO so well that it removes all the color, which will make the shatter look like glass. CRC BHO still retains the terpenes, so the nose is still there, but now, the color is so light that you’ll have no idea what the source material was like.

So, do you see the issue? The CRC process takes away one of the indicators we use to judge quality before smoking a product, and it makes CRC concentrates look better than anything else out there, even though they may not be. And the same can be said for cartridges: you can run FSE oil through a CRC, and it makes the finalized oil look like water. It’s a pretty cool process despite the subterfuge, but we aren’t selling it yet in our Durango dispensary because the process is still in its infancy, and it has issues. For example, sometimes, microscopic bits of the silica gel they use for the filtration process can make it into the final product, and smoking silica probably isn’t good for you (and it definitely doesn’t taste good). So, we’re going to wait until this process is dialed before putting CRC concentrates on our shelves. All you really need to know is that now, lighter isn’t always better when it comes to concentrates thanks to CRC, so please keep that in mind. See what I mean about educating the masses? Now you know to ask if that suspiciously light-colored shatter is CRC (but unless you come here where we also educate our staff, your budtender won’t know what you’re talking about).


Lastly, I want to talk about another three-letter acronym that you need to know, “PGR.” It stands for “plant growth regulator,” and in short, it’s a steroid for weed. Using PGRs allows growers to cultivate quick-growing cannabis plants, and it causes the buds to be really dense, which is something that usually indicates well-grown marijuana, but again, it’s a trick, and it’s one that comes with consequences. You can read THIS article if you want more information, but basically, the three most common PGRs that are used in shady grows are paclobutrazol, daminozide, and chlormequat chloride. All three will cause cannabis plants to grow very quickly and produce pretty, dense buds that most novice smokers would love to buy, but all three PGRs have also been linked to some very, very serious health risks, so it simply isn’t worth it.

What makes this super frustrating is that in most shops, if you ask if their marijuana was grown with PGRs, most budtenders will look at you and ask, “what’s a ‘PGR’?” So, you’ll need to look for a few telltale signs. First, PGRs cause buds to grow very densely, so that’s the first sign, however, well-grown flower (like ours) will also be dense. So, look at the price: if the eighth is in the $25 range but the buds are dense and pretty, I’d recommend getting suspicious. Remember, you get what you pay for in life, especially when it comes to marijuana, so if the deal looks too good to be true, it is.

Secondly, smell the cannabis. If it looks good but doesn’t give off much scent, that suspicion I mentioned should go into overdrive. And lastly, if the hairs on the bud are an unattractive brown as opposed to a pretty red or orange, I’d recommend turning around and leaving that shop so you can come to our Durango dispensary instead. After all, we smoke what we grow, so you can trust us. So yeah… if the buds are dense, cheap, odorless, and covered with brown hairs, I’d recommend running away.

And that’s that! I apologize for the length of this blog, but again, this stuff has been stacking up in my head, and I felt like this was all stuff you need to know given the fact that marijuana is well on its way to being commercialized, and as such, “they” are coming up with all sorts of tricks to cut corners at your peril. But do you know the easiest way to avoid the risks? Shop at a locally-owned store where the educated employees smoke what they sell (you have no clue how many budtenders from other shops in town stop by here when they get off so they can buy good, trustworthy weed). We’ll keep doing our best to stay abreast of all the new things to watch out for, and we’ll keep you educated about them, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Covid-19 and Marijuana

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Covid-19 and Marijuana

Look… it takes more than slapping some gloves on a budtender to keep you, our clientele, safe during this pandemic. I wanted to say that right from the get-go because I’ve heard that a few of the other shops in town haven’t done anything besides giving their budtenders gloves, and that’s unfortunate. Each and every marijuana dispensary in this state is on the frontline of keeping our community safe given that we’ve all been designated as “essential” (which means we get to stay open), and given that we’re all stewards of this industry, I wish the other guys were doing more. But, c’est la vie, I guess. I’ll simply tell you what we’ve done to keep you safe, and then hopefully, the other guys will catch on.

I know I wrote a whole blog (that you can read HERE) on how to purchase marijuana during this bizarre time, and we have more information on our homepage that outlines the process, but this week, I wanted to tell you about all the changes we’ve made behind the scenes with your safety in mind so you can rest a little easier after shopping here. But before we get to that, I wanted to take a moment and defend the fact that dispensaries have been designated as “essential,” because a couple people have called in and asked why that is. Well, for one, you simply have no clue how many veterans use cannabis because they believe it helps with their PTSD; you have no clue how many people with chronic pain turn to weed to get off prescription medications given all the nasty side effects. Is that something that should be taken away during a pandemic? And even if it wasn’t for the way marijuana could help with such issues, I swear there’s nothing better than pot if you’re stuck at home for a month with daytime TV and your family. Lastly, have you heard about all those forgivable loans that small businesses are getting from the government if they have to close? Well, guess which industry doesn’t qualify? Yup, the cannabis industry (even though we pay more than our fair share in taxes). So, yeah… we couldn’t close even if we wanted to, but we don’t, because we know for a fact that what we provide is essential; we’re going to stay on the frontline and do everything we can to help our community during this craziness.

Alright; let’s get into all the “behind the scenes” stuff. For one, we aren’t letting anyone into the back of the building who doesn’t absolutely need to come in. This means that all our cannabis couriers and the FedEx drivers and all the random people who come here on business must wait outside instead of coming in to contaminate the space we’re keeping clean for you. Not only that, but you wouldn’t believe how much rubbing alcohol we’re going through. Every box that comes in this building is quarantined, and we spray each box with a ridiculous amount of alcohol just to make sure the nasty doesn’t get into our building.

We’re also limiting the number of employees we have in the building simultaneously, and we’re taking the recommended 6’ of social distancing seriously: we rearranged our entire floorplan to accommodate the distance. We even ordered enough plexiglass to build a whale aquarium, and we constructed transparent barriers for our curbside pickup (which is also brand-new), and we built a window inside our store for walkup. Granted, it feels a bit weird selling pot through a window (it’s like those scenes in prison movies where people put their fists on the glass), but hey, it keeps you (and us) safe, so that’s what we’re doing. For real, we even drilled a hole through a wall so we could put a red/green light on the outside of the building. We’re letting only one customer in the building at a time, so if the light is red, it means someone is in here and you’ll need to wait in your car, but if it’s green, come on in. And yes, we spray the pin pads and ATM with alcohol after every customer, and we do the same with our door handles and anything else a customer might touch. See what I mean about doing more for you than giving our budtenders gloves?

Now, I know what I’m about to say seems axiomatic, but people have called asking, so I’ll put it in writing: no, marijuana doesn’t cure Covid-19. I promise. If it did, our line would be much longer than it is. And in fact, quite a few doctors out there are suggesting that you don’t smoke anything during this time, including weed, because smoke of any sort doesn’t mix well with respiratory-based illnesses. And when you think about it, what I just typed should clue you in to the fact that we care about you—we make our money by selling you things to smoke, and yet here we are being honest about smoke and Covid-19 because your health is more important to us than profit. This is a small town, after all, so your health is our health; the health of this community is the health of my family. However, being high during this period is much better than the alternative, so try an edible. That way, you can stay happy without putting smoke in your lungs: you can have your edible and eat it, too.

Honestly, why do you think we have so many edible specials right now? We’re offering 25% off Incredibles bars, and we have a buy one, get one for a dollar special on our 1906 edibles. Both specials will run all month long, and we’ll have a deal on a brand new product from Ripple. See? We care, you matter, and we’re all going to get through this together. We’re going to stay open because what we do is indeed essential, and we’re going to keep doing all that we can to keep you, and our staff, as safe as possible, because it isn’t an exaggeration to say that We’re Your Best Buds!

420 Dispensary Deals in Durango

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In the Colorado cannabis industry, “April” is synonymous with “insanity.” It’s just a fact. For us, April is like someone took Christmas and stuffed it with the 4th of July and then wrapped it with a birthday. It really is that awesome because April is the beginning of our cannabis award season, it’s the when all the tourists start flocking to our beautiful state (when they aren’t hobbled by stay-at-home orders), and it’s smackdab in the middle of spring, which goes hand-in-hand with the “flowers” we sell. And this April is going to be crazier than previous Aprils because since it’s 2020, the entire month will be 4/20 (if you’re still a little hazy on why “420” is such a big deal, click HERE for a history lesson).

Granted, this April is obviously a bit different given that there’s a pesky global pandemic dampening everyone’s spirits, but we’re going to stay safe and happy, no matter what. So, before I get to the 4/20 specials we’ll be running, please click HERE to read last week’s blog that explains the new way to shop here during this bizarre time (which will help tons, because we’re going to be ridiculously busy, so if you know the new protocols, it will cut down your wait time).

Alright; here are the deals we’re running on 4/20, which is insanity incarnate. I promise that our shop will be the best one to hit on the special day, but I cannot make any promises about the line. And just to make things safer due to Covid-19, we’ll have lines marked on the ground that are six feet apart. We’ll also have the best weed at the best prices on April 20th, and the people next to you in line will surely be cool, so come hang out. If you do, these deals are waiting for you:


  • All Moroccan and Lebanese Hash will be 50% off, which is exactly the insanity I was talking about.
  • A few of our best Greenery Grown strains will be $7 per gram, $25 per eighth, $45 per quarter, and $85 per half-ounce (which is more than 50% off).
  • And if that’s not good enough, everything full-price in the store will be 20% off. So… everything in the store will be on sale for 20% off… 4/20% off… get it???
  • And if you think that’s cheesy, just wait. On 4/20, you’ll also be able to pick up 4 joints for $20, because we can’t help ourselves when it comes to the numbers “4” or “20” on 4/20.
  • All Incredibles bars will be 25% off, but this special will run all month long
  • Lastly, all 1906 chocolates will be “buy one, get one for $1,” and this is a month-long special as well.

As of right now, that’s all we have planned for 4/20, but I promise you something else will pop up. We always get carried away when it comes to sales because the only thing more fun than selling legal weed is doing so at a discount, so we’ll probably end up adding a surprise or two to the lineup. So please, come see us, because when it comes to 4/20, We’re Your Best Buds!

Best Edibles in Colorado

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Best Edibles in Colorado

I’ll admit it: I’m an edible lush. I can’t remember the last night I drifted off to sleep without a belly full of THC, nor can I remember a Saturday in recent history wherein I didn’t spend the morning in a haze thanks to an edible or two. That, taken in concert with the fact that I work in a dispensary, and the fact that I write about marijuana for this blog and two other local publications, means that I’m well qualified to list “the best edibles in Colorado.” But before we get into all that, I wanted to talk about my methodology for creating this list, because most edible “best of” lists focus too strongly on the food itself. For instance, “taste” is usually the first criteria looked at, but that’s ridiculous. If I want good-tasting candy, I go buy good-tasting candy. But when it comes to an edible, it’s the high that matters, not the food that contains the cannabinoids, so taste will be the last thing I consider in my rankings. Make sense?

Secondly, there’s a caveat we need to get out of the way. I’d imagine that a few of you who found this blog via a Google search have never tried a Colorado recreational edible, so I wanted to leaven this list with a little advice: start small and start slow. Here in Colorado, the regulations make it so a recreational edible cannot have more than 10mg THC per serving (and there cannot be more than 100mg THC in the package), but 10mg THC is way too much for some first-time edible consumers. Most edible producers jumped straight to the maximum 10mg per serving so their product could compete, but when most first-time consumers take “one serving,” it floors them, and they have a terrible first experience. Also, since the THC in an edible takes time to get into your system (it can take up to two hours to feel the full intensity), a lot of first-time consumers end up eating way too much because they don’t feel the high quickly, which they try to fix by eating more. So, if you don’t know how much of a serving suits you, try taking half the gummy (or a quarter if you’re the cautious type), and then wait an entire hour and a half before even considering the other half. And then once you figure out how much THC makes a perfect serving size for you personally, come back to this list and choose accordingly.

Alright… without further ado, here’s my take on The Best Cannabis Infused Edibles in Colorado:

The Best Edible for Nighttime:

3.) Ripple Green Tea Mango Gummies

2.) Dixie Tropic Twist Gummies

1.) 1906 Midnight Dark Chocolate Gems

Starting with number three, all Ripple products are water-soluble, so these gummies take effect very quickly, which is perfect if you’re in a hurry to get to bed. And they have a perfect 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD (each gummy delivers 2.5mg THC/CBD), so the high is mellow and perfect for calming thoughts. The Tropic Twist Gummies from Dixie are infused with an Indica CO2 oil, and each one delivers 10mg THC, which makes them four times as potent as number three, which is perfect for those of us with a high tolerance. And lastly, the 1906 Midnight is as good as an edible gets for the nighttime. Yes, they’re water soluble and they deliver 5mg THC/CBD per serving, but they’re also made with corydalis rhizome extract, so these things will glue you to your sheets like no other edible.

The Best Morning/Daytime Edible:

3.) Sweet Pieces

2.) Binske Mango Gummies

1.) 1906 Go Beans

The Sweet Pieces made it to number three because hard candy makes a perfect backpacking companion, and because each serving delivers 5mg THC and 1.5mg CBD, which is nice. The Mango Gummies from Binske are vegan, believe it or not, and they’re no stranger to “best of” lists because they won Leafly’s edible brand of the year for 2018. The Go Beans, however, are on an entirely different level with it comes to edibles. They’re chocolate-covered coffee beans, and the caffeine pairs perfectly with the extra theobromine and the 5mg of water-soluble THC/CBD in each serving. For real, if not for the caffeine that makes the Go Beans unsuitable for the evening, this product would be my pick for overall best edible, because they’re so, so awesome.

The Best CBD Edible:

3.) Ripple Relief

2.) TasteBudz 50:1 Gummies

1.) Lucky Turtle No Bad Days Tincture

Since Ripple Relief is a water-soluble, tasteless, odorless, instantly-dissolvable powder that you can mix with any food or drink, it deserves its place on the list. The 50:1 gummies from TasteBudz, however, are such a good deal that they landed in second. These gummies are $42 after tax, and each one provides 50mg CBD and 1mg THC (for a CBD package total of 500mg), and that’s insanely affordable. But the No Bad Days tincture contains a whopping 1500mg CBD, making it a 100-day supply, so it definitely wins.

The Best Solventless Edible:

2.) 1906 Beboe Pastilles

1.) Love’s Oven Turtle Brownies

Yes, there are only two winners in this category. It’s because we sell only two solventless edibles given that we haven’t found another option out there that’s good enough for our shelves. And really, that’s a weird thing when you think about it, because since solventless edibles are made without any chemicals whatsoever, you’d think there’d be more demand for them. Oh well. Anyway, “pastille” is just a fancy word for “dissolvable candy,” and these from 1906 are made with decarboxylated bubble hash. That means the only things used to take the THC out of the plant were water and ice, which is pretty cool. The Turtle Brownies that came in first place are made with canna-butter, which is the original way of making edibles. It’s nice to see modern companies stick to traditions, so Love’s Oven is the winner.

The Best Discrete Edible:

3.) Ripple Pure 10

2.) Dixie Mints

1.) Altus Tablets

A lot of our customers are tourists who come from a place where cannabis is still illegal, so many of them turn to discrete edibles out of habit while they’re in Durango. I get it. The Ripple Pure 10 is more of that powder (and there’s nothing more discrete than an infused water bottle), the mints from Dixie are super small mints (the entire package fits in even the smallest pockets), but Altus is the winner. These tablets look much like Advil pills, you get 20 in a container (each of which delivers 5mg THC), and they deliver a spectacular Indica or Sativa high.

The Best Single-Serving Edible:

3.) Caramel Apple Mountain High Sucker

2.) Espresso Chocolate on a Spoon from Coda

1.) Lucky Turtle Honey

I loved those green apple suckers covered with caramel when I was a kid, and now that they make them with marijuana, I love them as an adult, too. Each one delivers 10mg THC and 3mg CBD. When it comes to the espresso chocolate on a spoon, you’re supposed to stir it into hot water to make an infused mocha at home, but these things taste so good that I always skip the water part and eat the chocolate right off the spoon. Each one delivers 10mg THC, and that good taste has nothing to do with this product’s second-place finish: the CO2 oil high is wonderful. However, the 10mg THC/CBD (1:1) honey packet from Lucky Turtle wins. The honey is locally sourced and the high from this single-serving edible is suited for anytime, anywhere.

The Best All-around Edible:

3.) Strawberry Stroopwafel

2.) Taste Buds Kiwi Strawberry Gummies

1.) Coda Cream and Crumble

I know I said that taste is the last thing I look at when ranking edibles, but all three of these winners taste so, so good. For instance, a “Stroopwafel” is two small waffles sandwiched together with sugary strawberry syrup in the middle. As to the Kiwi Strawberry gummies, they’re made with strain-specific oil (meaning only one strain of flower was used), and the quality is as good as a gummy gets. The Cream and Crumble bar, however, is next level. I’ve written about Coda before because this company was founded by Lauren Gockley, one of the best chocolatiers in the world, and their extraction techs have CO2 oil down to an art. The Cream and Crumble bar is made from white chocolate infused with lemon zest and spiced crumble: it tastes a lot like a key lime bar, and it delivers 20, 5mg THC servings, which is rare for a bar.

Boom! List complete. And for the record, no, I didn’t choose these edibles simply because we sell them. It’s no coincidence that we happen to sell all the “best edibles in Colorado,” because we’ve spent years scouring the market for the best of everything. And frankly, that means you get a double whammy when you come here: you can buy the best edibles in Colorado from the best dispensary in Durango. It’s a win/win, which is something we’ve always tried to provide, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Ordering Marijuana Online

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Just to be clear, you cannot order marijuana from us online and have it shipped to you. About one out of every five calls that comes into our Durango dispensary is from someone who wants me to ship pot, but if I said “yes,” I’d have to start writing these things from jail. And in an odd little twist, the product we get shipping requests for the most is the Foria Pleasure (it’s a sex spray). I’ve gotten calls from old-lady book clubs in New York and lonely men in South Africa looking to have this stuff shipped, and I had to tell them all the same thing I told you in the first sentence (but it’s much more comfortable this way). But now that we’ve gotten that disclaimer out of the way, there’s something new and exciting I need to tell you: from now on, you’ll be able to make online orders that we can get ready and set aside for you to pick up later. For real, to do it, just click HERE.

Isn’t that crazy? People come in everyday with mind-blown looks on their faces because buying legal weed is still novel to them. I’ve become desensitized to it for obvious reasons, but when something new like online ordering comes along, it makes me remember how odd this whole thing can be. Think about it: you can peruse our menu online while you’re half-dressed on your couch and click the things you want. When you place an order, a little receipt machine that sits behind me spits out your order, and I grab it before running in the back with a paper bag. I fill your order, send you a nifty little message saying it’s ready, and then you come in to pick it up (after putting on pants).

But please, remember your purchasing limits, because the system will let you order as much as you want, but you can only buy so much. The easiest way to think about it is that you’re allowed 8 pieces of pie, and an eighth of flower, or 1 gram of concentrate, or 100mg worth of an edible counts as one piece. So, hypothetically, you could order a half-ounce of pot, 2 grams of hash, and two edible packs and be good to go. Get it? That being said, our online ordering platform allows us to communicate with you via text, so if you put too much in your cart, we’ll let you know. And if for some weird reason, we run out of something you want, we can chat and offer you alternatives, all through texts. Isn’t that crazy-awesome?

So yeah… that’s everything you need to know about online marijuana ordering from our Durango dispensary. This is where I’d usually say something like “come on down to The Greenery to see our awesome selection,” but today, I’m going to tell you to do it from your couch to avoid the lines. So, click HERE, pick out want you want, put it in your cart, and then come see us, because if you’re an online shopper, We’re Your Best Buds, too!

420 Deals in Durango

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I told you about the 420 origin story last year, but here’s a refresher: back in the early 70’s, a group of Californian kids called the “Waldos” would get together after track practice at 4:20pm to smoke at a local park; the tradition spread across their town and then the whole world. It’s that simple. But really, where 420 came from isn’t nearly as important as what it’s become. Now, April 20th is the cornerstone of the “Holidaze,” which is a month-long celebration of everything cannabis-related. April in Colorado is wonderful because there seems to be a cannabis party on every corner, a cannabis industry event in every convention center, and our Durango dispensary is entering this month on a high because our Hash Factory won two awards in the THC Classic, which is the official kickoff to April. We’ve been keeping that momentum going all month long.

If you were lucky enough to come in on the 10th for our 4th anniversary party, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That day was insane. We had a radio station out front spreading the word, we had deals galore, and we spent the day celebrating the Holidaze with a line that went out the door. We also had a drawing for an awesome prize basket, we made a ton of new friends, and this April 20th, we’re doing it all again, but bigger and better. There will be a deal or two that I won’t talk about in this blog because we’d like to save at least one surprise for when you come in, but I’ll tell you about everything else—we’re running so many specials that I’ll need to break them down into categories for you:

1.) Flower. Every single strain we sell will be 20% off for 4/20. I’m not saying this just because I work here, but honestly, our flower is the best in town, so 20% off is a big deal. Secondly, we’re going to have an ounce-special. This is something we’ve never done before, but on 4/20, you’ll be able to pick up a prepackaged ounce of quality flower for an awesome price (you’ll need to call or come in to figure out what it is). And lastly, you’ll be able to snag 4, one-gram pre-rolls for $20 (limit one per customer), which works out to be a 50% savings.

2.) Hash. Remember when I told you about our win at The THC Classic? Well, one of the shiny trophies you’ll see when you come into our shop is for our hash, and on 420, all the hash from our Hash Factory will also be 20% off, which is a superb deal on an award-winning concentrate like our Lebanese Hash.

3.) Edibles. We’re running a buy one, get one free sale this 4/20 on all three varieties of Ripple, which is a little crazy on our part because Ripple is already one of our bestselling edibles. I wrote a blog about Ripple that you can read HERE if you need more info, but basically, Ripple is a tasteless, odorless, instantly-dissolvable powder you can add to any food or drink; it lets you infuse anything with THC. If you haven’t tried this stuff, you need to, and it’ll never be more affordable than it will be on 4/20. Plus, this includes their line of gummies.

4.) Schwag. We’ll be giving away promotional stuff until we run out, but we’ve also put together a gift basket that’s worth over $100 for which we’re having a drawing. No purchase is necessary to enter, and you don’t need to be present to win. Just come in, fill out one of those little paper slips, and then put it in the big glass jar. I’ll draw out a name the Monday after 4/20 and give you a call if you win. Fun, right?

So please, this 4/20, come see us. We’re running the best deals on the best products, and given that we were the first recreational-only dispensary in Durango, and the one with the highest rating, we really are Your Best Buds for 420!

The Greenery’s 4th Anniversary

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We’ve been selling legal weed for four years! Isn’t that crazy? This is all starting to seem like a regular job, one where our staff feels like a family thanks to all these successful years together, and even though this’ll sound cheesy, it’s all because of you, our customers. Some of you are regulars who’ve been coming in since day one, and some of you are first-timers who remind us how exciting legal cannabis can be with your smiles when you walk in. Either way, we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our customers, so, we’re going to do something special for you on our anniversary.

Usually, the traditional gifts for a fourth wedding anniversary are linen, silk, fruit, and flowers, and in a way, we’re married to our customers because we couldn’t live without you guys. That being said, we’re not going to give you linen, silk, or fruit because that would be a weird gift from a weed shop, but the “flowers” we sell are a different story completely. So, this April 10th, for the fourth anniversary of our Durango dispensary, here are the deals we’re giving to our customers to say thank you, and happy anniversary!

1.) All flower will be 20% off (see what I mean about flowers?).

2.) All concentrates will be 15% off (because our anniversary falls on Waxy Wednesday, which is awesome).

3.) All solventless hash from The Greenery Hash Factory will be 20% off.

4.) All Sweet products will be buy one, get one 50% off.

5.) For our anniversary, you’ll be able to buy four, one-gram pre-rolls for $20 (limit: one time per customer). Since it’s our fourth anniversary, “four-for-twenty” sounded perfect.

6.) If you haven’t signed up for our Loyalty Program, you need to, because during our anniversary party, all loyalty customers will receive double points.

7.) We’re also running a spectacular deal on one of our edibles, buy one, get one free on all Ripple products.

See? We love you guys a whole bunch, so we went a bit crazy with our deals. We’re even gunna have our favorite radio station X-Rock here doing a live broadcast from our parking lot, we’ll be giving out swag while it lasts, and I’m sure balloons will be involved somehow. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate your business over the years, so we’re going to do our best to show it, because even though I usually end these blogs with “We’re Your Best Buds,” the truth is that You’re Our Best Buds!

Dry Marijuana

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When people complain about how dry all the pot in Colorado is, I wonder to myself if the same people complain about food that tastes too good or about weekends that last too long. Let me explain…

At sea level, where most people grew up, cannabis stays moist long after it’s harvested; that’s why most of us remember sticky pot from our youths. So, at sea level, if you got some bone-dry pot, there was a good chance it’d been sitting around for a while, and that’s why most people equate dry pot with old pot (which is bad pot). However, Colorado is just about the antithesis of “sea level,” and thanks to our altitude, pot dries out quickly. It’s an elevation thing, not a quality or age thing, but it’s difficult to change opinions once they’ve formed—that’s why this week, I wanted to talk about Colorado’s dryer-than-everywhere-else marijuana to set the record straight.

So, let me reiterate: the only thing wrong with dry marijuana is that it might be old if you find it somewhere that’s close to sea level like California, but if you find dry marijuana in Colorado, it’s because you’re more than a mile above the sea, and here, plants dry out quickly. That’s just the way it is. But here’s the important part: dry pot is actually a good thing because it weighs less, so you get more. If you were to buy an eighth (3.5 grams) of dry marijuana and set it next to an eighth of moist marijuana that weighed the same, the dry eighth would look much larger thanks to less water weight (as an aside, I apologize for already using the word “moist” twice in this blog, but it’s a necessary evil). Do you see what I’m getting at? If you can get over that old-school paradigm of “dry pot = old pot,” you’ll realize that you’re actually getting more for your buck when you buy dry pot because you get more marijuana and less water. Ask yourself this: do you want to smoke water, or do you want to smoke cannabis? Exactly.

Alright… after reading that, I’m sure you thought something like, “well yeah, but how do I know if the dry marijuana I buy in your Durango dispensary isn’t just old pot you’re trying to blame on Colorado’s elevation?” Well, good question, but I’ve got an answer for you: we wouldn’t do that. Ever. We both purchase and grow our cannabis in small batches to ensure freshness, and we keep our flower sealed tightly before we bring it onto the floor.

But there’s a second reason I wanted to write this blog, and it deals with one of the most common questions I get: “how do you rehydrate dry pot?” (this is important to a few smokers because hydrated pot burns a bit more slowly). Well, the way most people do this is by sealing a fresh piece of bread in with their flower. The moisture from the bread will rehydrate the flower and make it sticky just like you remember. That being said, please don’t do this. For one, your pot will taste a bit like bread, and two, if there’s even the slightest amount of mold on your bread, it can spread to your weed, and smoking mold isn’t good for you. So, instead, try a two-way humidity control pack.

In our Durango dispensary, we use Boveda packs, which you can read about by clicking THIS link. I’d recommend using the 62% version, but basically, a “two-way” pack works in two ways (duh). If your pot gets too dry, these packs will add moisture, but if the moisture gets too high, these packs will take it back out for that perfect balance. So, if you seal a 62% Boveda pack in with your flower, you’ll keep all your flower at the perfect moistness (is that four times using the word?) for as long as the pack keeps working, which is a long time. That way, if you buy a dry eighth which is good because you get more pot, you can take it home, rehydrate it with your Boveda pack (which won’t make it mold or taste like bread), and you’ll get the best of both worlds: you’ll get more flower weight because you bought it dry, but the Boveda will make your flower sticky just like you remember from your sea-level childhood.

But as always, if you have questions, it’s always best to give us a call at (970) 403-3710 or come see us (with your valid I.D. proving that you’re 21or over) at 208 Parker Avenue right here in Bodo park. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about rehydrating your marijuana if you want it to be sticky and burn slow like you remember. And we’ll prove to you that our marijuana is fresh (and the best in town), because We’re Your Best Buds!

A Good Day with Cannabis

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Do you remember that “It Was a Good Day” song by Ice Cube? If not, it’s a classic, and you need to listen to it immediately, but if you do, I apologize for getting it stuck in your head. But the reason I ask is that recently, I read a news story wherein a bunch of rap nerds got together and figured out exactly which day Ice Cube was talking about: it was January 20th, 1992.

They used all the clues in the song to figure it out: there was “no smog,” Yo! MTV Raps was on TV, the Lakers beat the Super Sonics, and Ice Cube got a page on his beeper from Kim. If you figure out the song’s release date, look at the years when beepers were used, check the stats for Lakers wins, and the weather report for smog, you get the exact “good day.” Of course, back in 2012 when Ice Cube gave an interview about the song, he said it was a fictional day, but that’s not why I’m writing this: in his song, Ice Cube mentions the “chronic,” which is a prerequisite for any “good day.” That got me thinking about the perfect day with cannabis—a day you can plan and enjoy intentionally, because sometimes, good days need to be forced. So, if I were to plan the perfect day with cannabis, this is how I’d do it:

Step one, wake-and-bake. There’s nothing wrong with pot in the morning, and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t tried it. On lazy Sundays, I like to wake up with a good Bubble Gum joint, or something else sativa-dominant, and we sell them for $10 out-the-door here in our Durango dispensary. And then after I put out my joint to save for later (smoking an entire gram in the morning might cut the day a bit short), I’d mix a packet of Lucky Turtle 1:1 Honey into my coffee. These single serving packs of honey cost $9, and they deliver 10mg of THC and CBD. Granted, if you’d prefer fewer than 10mg in the morning (or if you don’t like overly-sweet coffee), just use half the packet. And timing is important: the high from your joint will last about an hour and a half, and it’ll take the honey about an hour and a half to kick in fully, so drink that coffee right after you put down the joint—for the perfect good day, a high must be maintained.

The next step would be to go out and see the world. I like having my wife drive me around to thrift shops and breakfast places while I marvel at the bright day, couched comfortably in my buzz (but if you stop for breakfast, remember, there’s nothing wrong with bacon even though Ice Cube’s good day started when mom cooked breakfast with “no hog”). Then we go home to do chores and watch daytime TV; this is when my vape pen comes into play. I like to keep a terpene-rich distillate pen in my pocket, something like the Craft Reserve from O.pen that’s on our menu, and I lean towards the hybrid side of things as the day creeps by. I’ll take a puff or two when normalcy starts to creep back in, and it’ll carry me through to lunch when I smash a BLT and then load a bowl. Just like with the vape pen, my midday bowl is always a perfect hybrid, something like Blue Dream, because that even balance between mental energy and physical relaxation pairs perfectly with noontime.

This is when I start watching something campy like “Ancient Aliens” (as it turns out, the History Channel would have you believe aliens are responsible for just about everything except pot). As the day gets older, I smoke and vape as needed, but if you’re a fan of baths, I’d recommend throwing some THC bath salt into the mix. We sell a rejuvenating bath salt that’s infused with eucalyptus and cannabis, it’ll soothe you until nighttime rolls around, because that’s when it’s time to kick things up a notch.

Next, for dark nights, I like dark hash, like a good Moroccan or an Indica-dominant bubble hash. And that’s pretty convenient given that we operate our own Hash Factory, and we’re the only company in Colorado that manufactures and distributes classic concentrates such as Moroccan or Lebanese hash. So, to start my perfect evening to cap off that good day, I’d throw a pinch of Moroccan on top of a deep Indica like Pakistani Chitral Kush, smoke it, and then wait for the mind-numbing, body sedating high to knock me down into the couch (these days, it’s the only way to make the nightly news bearable). And then right before bed, I’d eat a brownie from Love’s Oven. They’re made with canna-butter which is difficult to find these days, they totally count as a desert, and the relaxing high would keep me sleeping through the night. Boom; the perfect end to a good day with cannabis (and there’s no law saying you can’t have two days like this in a row, so wake up and repeat as necessary).

But this good day isn’t possible without cannabis, so come see us first. We’re located at 208 Parker Avenue right here in Durango, and we’re open every day (for hours, click HERE). Just make sure to bring your valid, government-issued I.D. proving that you’re 21 or older, because good days with cannabis are for grownups only. And remember, We’re Your Best Buds!

Tolerance Break

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In my humble opinion, the only thing wrong with smoking pot is that after a while, it’ll stop working. The THC in cannabis is just like any other intoxicant in that your body will build up a tolerance over time, which is annoying. And frankly, that’s the boat I’m in right now. I work in a dispensary (obviously), so I’m usually swimming in flower (I’m spoiled) and I smoke regularly. As such, I’ve built up that dreaded tolerance, and I’m about to take a drastic step to fix my problem: I’m going to take a tolerance break.

Simply put, a “tolerance break” is a period of time wherein you don’t consume cannabis so your tolerance goes away. There’s a ton of science behind it (for more, please read my blog on the endocannabinoid system HERE), but basically, taking a break from pot lets your ECS receptors become more receptive to cannabinoids. And then when you fall back off the wagon, your fresh receptors soak up all that lovely THC and you get a high that feels just like the first time. However, the duration of a tolerance break differs depending on the amount you smoke. So, if you’re a smoker who takes a puff or two at night, a day off will work, but if you’re an all-day type of smoker, you’ll need to take a week-long tolerance break for the best effect (mine will probably need to last a decade to work).

Sounds horrible, right? Well, believe it or not, you can be proactive and take mini tolerance breaks to make it so your tolerance doesn’t get too high in the first place. Most people do this by designating a day to stay away from cannabis, like “sober Sunday,” and it works well (but please don’t choose Monday because that day sucks enough as it is). However, this isn’t possible for some people, even though that might sound a bit alien to you if you’re not one of them. A lot of people use cannabis as their medicine, and as such, a day without isn’t feasible. So, if you’re in this boat, I’d recommend giving targeted groups of receptors a tolerance break.

You can read a peer-reviewed study HERE if you’d like, but basically, ECS receptors are located throughout the body, and there’s a high concentration of them in the digestive system. Do you see what I’m getting at? If you use cannabis, but smoking it isn’t as effective as it used to be, give your lungs a break and switch to edibles for a while. And then when that gets old, go back to smoking. Doing so will let you get the most out of your cannabis because you’ll always have a fresh group of receptors to switch to once a certain group builds up a tolerance. And if you need a third option, try a transdermal cannabis product.

Believe it or not, we sell THC-infused transdermal patches from Mary’s Medicinals (these things are just like nicotine patches, but they get you high, which is way better than nicotine). All you need to do is clean a venous area of your body (like the inner-wrist or the top of your foot), slap on a patch, and then wait for the effect. The high that comes from a patch isn’t as intense as something you’d get from flower or edibles, but it lasts much longer (it’ll keep you where you need to be for 8 to 12 hours). So, if you throw patches into the equation, you can rotate between your lungs, stomach, and skin to make sure no one group of receptors gets too much THC.

Lastly, did you notice that you just read a dispensary blog that suggested taking a break from smoking? Isn’t that a little odd given that it’s my job to get you in to our Durango dispensary to spend money? In saying this, I simply wanted to point out that most shops will tell you to just smoke more pot if your tolerance builds up because those shops just want your money—we want you to have the best possible experience with the cannabis you buy here, because we’re different; that’s why We’re Your Best Buds!