Yes! I’ll get into all the details momentarily, but first, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on legal cannabis here in Colorado, because Covid-19 has made me realize something profound. Think about it: less than a decade ago, selling marijuana like we do now would’ve landed us all in jail. But today, legal cannabis sales here in Colorado are so important that the government has deemed our business “essential,” and we get to remain open during a global pandemic. Isn’t that just a mind-blowing dichotomy? I guess a decade makes for one heck of a difference when it comes to a state-wide paradigm shift.
Anyway, enough preaching. Yes, we’re open, and we’re going to remain that way for as long as “they” let us, because we’re aware of how important our product is to the people of Durango. We know that the cannabis we provide is considered to be medicine by many of our patrons, and we know that our calming plant is exactly what the world needs right now because quarantine and cannabis were made for each other. I mean, yeah, you’ve tried social distancing, but have you tried social distancing on weed? I hope you got that John Stewart reference. But all joking aside, even though we’re open, we cannot let you into the building without restrictions given all the requirements that’ve been put on us, so here’s how it works:
As soon as you pull up to our Durango dispensary and park, you’ll see a window facing the parking lot that’s surrounded by signs. If you’ve placed a pre-order and you’re paying with a debit card, we can complete the transaction outside just like we used to inside. But the state has told us that if you’re paying with cash or making your order in-person, you must come inside to complete your transaction. We’re bringing in only one customer at a time, so if you look out front right next to our door, you’ll see a fancy new light. If it’s red, please wait in your car because we have a customer on the floor. If it’s green, come on in. Our retail floor is roped off, and we’ll be completing the transaction behind glass from our retail office. This way, both you and our staff are protected. In either case, we still need to see your valid ID. Please hold it up to the window as we will need to see your photo, date of birth, and the expiration date. But no matter how you shop, it would really (REALLY) help us if you looked at our online menu before showing up so you’ll know what you want; click HERE to see our menu.
But you know what we’d really prefer, and what makes everyone’s life easier? Online or call-ahead ordering. That way, all you have to do when you get here is tell us your name and we’ll ring up your prepared order; you won’t have to linger while we get everything ready for you. And don’t worry, you’ll still get all your Loyalty Program points and applicable discounts. Frankly, nothing has changed here other than our shopping protocols. For online ordering, click HERE, and for call-ahead ordering, give us a shout at (970) 403-3710. Or, if you have any other questions, checkout our homepage HERE for answers (or give us a call).
Now, I’ll admit that it’d be in poor taste to run a “corona virus sale” or something like that, but given all the hardship that’s out there right now, we’ve decided to offer two different 100mg THC edible options for $15 after tax. Most of our other 100mg edibles are $24 out the door, so this deal is unheard-of if I’m being honest, and we’ll keep it running until we run out of supplies (which will be quick because edibles are way better than toilet paper, and that stuff disappeared long ago). That, and both these edibles are brand new for us, so I should probably tell you about them:
1.) Chaos Crispies. Yes, these are marijuana-infused Rice Crispy Treats, and no, I have no idea why it took so long for us to start selling these because they’re frickin’ awesome. We have two flavors available: Fruity, which is Rice Crispies mixed with Fruity Pebbles (they’re just as good as they sound), and Chocolate Peanut Butter.
2.) Cousin Eddie’s Cinnamon Cookies. We’ll eventually have chocolate brownies from this company as well, and they’ll be $15, too, but for now, you should come try these cinnamon cookies, because for $15, you won’t be disappointed.
That, and we have some great month-long promos with Incredibles and 1906:
1.) Incredibles chocolate bars are 25% off Monday through Saturday for the entire month of April and BOGO 50% on Sundays.
2.) 1906 chocolates are buy one, get another for $1. This includes the Bliss peanut butter cups, Midnight dark chocolates, Go chocolates, and the Go and Love dark chocolate covered coffee beans.
And that’s that for now, but I promise there will be more to come. Covid-19 has thrown us one hell of a curveball, so you’ll need to stay tuned for updates, but we’re still planning on an awesome April and 4/20, but we have to wait to see how this all pans out before telling you about them (that’s why you need to stay tuned). Otherwise, please hang in there and stay safe throughout all this craziness. We’ll do the same, and we’ll keep providing the best cannabis products in Durango, because even during a global pandemic, We’re Your Best Buds!