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King of Diamonds in Durango

No, the “King of Diamonds” isn’t a playing card: it’s the most potent cannabis concentrate you can buy, but we’ll get to that in a second. The real reason I’m writing this is to tell you about all the new and exciting products we’re adding to our shelves for the spring season.

I mean, variety is important, right? It’s been a while since we revamped our lineup, and since I shop only at The Greenery, I noticed recently that our edible and concentrate selections in particular hadn’t changed in a while, so we put our heads together and freshened our offerings with all sorts of stuff, the first of which was the King of Diamonds from Empire.

Look… if you call yourself a dab connoisseur, but you’ve never tried pure diamonds, you need to get in here ASAP before you lose your title. Technically speaking, The King of Diamonds dab is pure THCa crystalline, and since it usually tests at 99.98%, it’s the purest, most potent concentrate on earth. From a distance, this stuff looks exactly like quartz crystal, and it’s difficult to believe that it came from a marijuana plant, but I’ll explain. What they do to make this stuff is to first produce Live Resin: fresh-frozen flower is blasted with butane, and then the resulting oil is cured, which causes THCa crystals to start growing. At this point, the concentrate is simple Live resin, or “diamonds and terp sauce,” but the diamonds themselves still contain some of the yellow terpenes from the plant. So, the geniuses over at Empire take the Live Resin a step further through a process called “recrystallization.” Basically, they take the yellow diamonds out of the Live Resin, melt them down with acetic acid and hexane, and then they let the solution form new crystals, which end up being nearly 100% pure THCa. Crazy, right? And since the THC is left in its acid form, THCa, eating this stuff won’t get you high in the slightest. It’s an inert compound that won’t affect you in a psychotropic manner until you apply heat in your dab rig, which decarboxylates the cannabinoids; science is fun when it pertains to marijuana. And to dab this stuff is to experience something truly unique: the taste is almost nonexistent, and the high is wonderfully bright and clean. We simply love this stuff.

But if you’re a fan of the terp-rich taste that comes from standard Live Resin, we’ve still got you covered. We’ve always sold the best Live Resin on earth from Green Dot, but it’s a tad costly, so we just brought on the Live Resin from West Edison. This stuff is super saucy and potent, and if you get it on Waxy Wednesday, it’s barely over $33 per gram, which is a screaming deal for a concentrate of this quality.

Now, on to edibles! This category is near and dear to my heart because I love the convenience and long-lasting high provided by edibles, and I can say honestly that The Greenery now sells the best edible on earth: Dialed In Gummies. You see, most gummies are infused with hydrocarbon extracts made with butane or other chemical solvents. But Dialed In is made with solventless rosin: they press ice-water-extracted bubble hash in a steam press to squeeze out the cannabinoids. So, this new edible was made without any chemicals whatsoever, and since solventless rosin was used, the gummies retain the terpenes, and the high you get from these is as close to a smoked flower high as you can get without smoking flower. Simply put, Dialed In gummies are a game changer.

But just like all gummies, these can melt in the high heat of summer, so we also brought on one of Colorado’s most popular gummy brands, Green Hornet. These gummies are always consistent, but more importantly, they’re individually packaged. So, if you make the rookie mistake of leaving these in your car and they melt, they’ll still stay separate thanks to the packaging, and all you have to do is throw them in the fridge to make them solid again. This makes them perfect for camping and transporting, which is exactly the type of forethought that makes The Greenery Durango’s best dispensary.

And we also brought on the Quiq Chocolates from Incredibles. They’re also packaged individually, so they’re the best chocolate product for summer months, but more importantly, they’re fast acting. With most edibles, the THC is lipid-soluble, so it needs to bind with fats and be processed in your liver before you feel it. But with these new Quiq Chocolates (and with quite a few of the other edibles we sell, such as Wana), the THC has been nano-encapsulated to make it water-soluble. This means the THC permeates the semi-permeable cell walls in your body, and you can start to feel the high in as little as 15 minutes, which is perfect for impatient stoners.

Finally, we brought on the S’mores Bar from Incredibles for obvious reasons. This 100mg THC bar is made with mini marshmallows and chunks of graham crackers… can you imagine what it would taste like to make an actual s’more with this bar instead of boring non-infused chocolate? Well, we can, and that’s way we started selling it. You’re welcome.

Since you made it this far, I’m going to do something we’ve never done before and give you a sneak peek at the products “coming soon to a dispensary near you” (that would be us). Usually, we keep this stuff quiet because we don’t want the lesser dispensaries in town to get wind of what the best one is doing, but I love our customers, so I’ll divulge a few secrets and tell you what we’re bringing on in the coming months.

First, we’re also going to bring on The Jack of Diamonds from Empire to go right alongside their King. With the Jack version, they grind their large diamonds down into a fine powder that looks like ground table salt. I know that sounds a bit weird at first, but when you figure out that you can roll some of the pure THCa powder into a joint, or sprinkle it into a recipe for a homemade edible, the lightbulb above your head should start blinking.

Secondly, we’re about to order Live Sauce Carts from Harmony for our shelves. The Live Sauce (which is just terpene-rich Live Resin) from Harmony represents the pinnacle of cannabis vapes, and you wouldn’t believe the price if I told you, so I’ll save that surprise for when you arrive.

And lastly, if you’re a fan of edibles like I am, the future is bright for you here at The Greenery. Soon, we’ll have the cannabutter-infused cookies and brownies from Sweet Grass available for sale, and these things taste just like the treats grandma used to make, but they get you high. For hard lozenges, up until now, we’ve sold only the Sweet Pieces from Mountain High, but we’re about to have the Suck It from Canyon available, and I love these things because they contain only 2.5mg per piece (with 40 pieces per package), meaning you can eat quite a few of them if you have a high tolerance instead of having just one, which isn’t the case with most edibles.

We’re also bringing on Mr. Moxey’s Mints, which are the best mints ever in my opinion, and they originated on the west coast, so you know this edible is vetted and awesome. And finally, for all you shoppers who just need a quick and easy single-serving edible, we’re bringing on both Ganjalas and Pressies. The Ganjalas are delectable single-serving taffies made with solventless cannabutter, and they’re a local favorite produced next door in Telluride, so they have one heck of a cult following. And the pressies are quick and easy tablets that deliver 10mg THC per serving, and each one will cost you $4, which makes this the cheapest high you can find in our shop, period.

Boom! You made it to the end. I’m sorry this one was so long, but the list of new marijuana products we’re adding this summer deserves the attention. And as always, if we didn’t add to our lineup something you’d like to see, please just shoot a message to, and I’ll look into it. It’s very important to us as Durango’s highest-rated dispensary to offer all the things you want, and to always come fresh with a new variety of products to keep you excited every year, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Dab Tabs in Durango

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I’d thought that the creativity in the cannabis industry had reached its peak with THC transdermal patches that keep you high for twelve hours, or at least with the THC inhalers that work just like the ones for asthma, because how much more high-tech can things get? Honestly, I’d assumed that “they” had thought of every new and exciting way to get high possible, because there’s only so much you can do with cannabis, right? Well, I was wrong.

Now, we have something called “Dab Tabs” for sale here in our Durango dispensary. And these things have got to be the pinnacle because they’re inordinately novel and ingenious. Basically, a Dab Tab is a little, hexagonal piece of ceramic with an internal matrix suited perfectly for absorbing cannabis concentrates. These things are made by Stratos, and what they do is soak the Dab Tabs in HTFSE (high-terpene, full-spectrum extract), and then put them in a little bottle for you to enjoy.

If you dab with a rig and a banger, all you have to do is put one (or more) of the little ceramic hexagons into your cold banger, put on the carb cap (this part is important), and then do a cold-start dab wherein you slowly heat the banger and then inhale once you see your banger start to fill with vapor. Or, if you use a hand-held vaporizer like the Linx Hypnos Zero (that we also sell in our shop), all you have to do is put one of the Dab Tabs in the chamber right on top of the ceramic donut, push the button, and inhale. Out of a dab rig, you can usually get two or three good hits from a Dab Tab, but in a hand-held device, you can get eight or nine good hits, and these things pack a punch (the ones on our shelves right now are testing in the 70% THC range). For real, these things are mind-blowingly cool.

The only thing you have to watch out for is that right after using a Dab Tab, it’s really hot, so if you try to fish it out of your banger or pen with your fingers, you’ll regret it. But Stratos thinks of everything, so you get a nifty set of branded tweezers with each Dab Tab pack that you can use to handle the hot Dab Tabs. And once a Dab Tab is spent and cooled, all you have to do is throw it in your garden because the inert ceramic will act like an aerator for your soil, so it’s a win-win.

But the best things about the Dab Tabs are the convenience and portability. I mean honestly, if you were in a hurry and wanted to take some dabbable concentrate with you, can you imagine what would happen if you put a gram of wax in your pocket without the container? It’d be a hot, sticky mess that you’d regret, but Dab Tabs are dry to the touch, so you can handle them on the go without making a mess. And we sell two different packs of Dab Tabs here at The Greenery: the trial pack, which contains three Dab Tabs if you simply want to try these things sells for $12 after tax, and the full, 20 Dab Tab packs sells for $60. And the full pack is equal to one full gram of Live Resin, so it’s a spectacular deal.

So, yeah… I apologize for thinking I’d already told you about all the new and exciting things available in the cannabis market, because I was obviously wrong. But I promise to keep blogs like this one coming your way so you can stay informed, and as a company, we promise to keep stocking our shelves with all the new innovations that are out there, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Communist Cannabis

I want you to picture a naked Russian man standing next to a horse without a saddle (I promise this has something to do with pot, so hang in there). He’s in the Chu Valley, right between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and it’s a nice day. The grasslands around him are flat and verdant—in fact, he’s standing on the border of a large marijuana forest where the plants are ten feet tall. He’s not alone, but everyone is freshly bathed and naked, just like he is.

The naked man gets on his horse, and a few of his naked friends get on their bareback horses as well, but most remain on their feet. And then the whole group starts singing and laughing, calling out cries of jubilation, right before they ride and run with abandon through the forest of marijuana (which, by the way, is called “dichka” in Russia).

The leaves and buds whip the Russians’ bodies and their horses, and soon, everyone is covered with a thick coating of “kief,” which is a combination of trichome heads and plant matter (all the crystal-goodness that covers ripe marijuana). The group of people, some running and some riding, methodically trample the entire marijuana field so they can collect as much kief as possible, and then they ride or walk back to camp, singing and laughing. Once there, the naked, dichka-covered Russians stand on pieces of canvas, and then different Russians (fully dressed ones) use wooden tools to scrape all the kief off their naked friends and their horses. The mixture of kief and sweat is then pressed into bricks and sundried into Russian Hashish, which they call “Plastilin.” And yes, the grossness of this story makes it a tad difficult to believe, but you can read a corroborating article HERE (but as a tip, do not google “naked Russian hash making” on your company computer like I just did, because the images you’ll find have nothing to do with marijuana). Crazy, right?

This has been going on for as long as dichka has been growing in the Chu valley, and to this day, plastilin is still one of the most sought-after forms of hashish in the world. And the name is interesting, now that I think about it, because once it’s dried, this form of hashish looks and feels just like plasticine clay (the colorful stuff you used to play with in preschool). Granted, most of the reason people search for this stuff is that it’s so rare, so if it were widely available, I doubt people would crave it because hash without human and horse sweat is undoubtably better. And that’s where we come in given that we operate our very own Hash Factory that specializes in making international hashish.

But don’t worry, we won’t be making Russian Hash any time soon because I doubt Colorado would let us do anything naked, and we don’t own any horses. Frankly, I just wanted to tell you about this stuff to prove that we know the down-and-dirty about foreign hashes, and to point out that the international hashes that we do make aren’t nearly as gross. You can read about our Moroccan hash HERE and our Lebanese hash HERE, and you’ll be delighted to know that you can try either one without finding a single horsehair in your pipe. You’re welcome.

That being said, all the blogs I’ve written in the past about our traditional hashes have steered you right here to Durango, Colorado, which is the source for classic concentrates in the Southwest. But did you know that you don’t have to come to Durango to try our hashish? In the past, I imagine it’s been frustrating for you out-of-towners to read about our hash without being able to try it, and for that, I apologize. It’s taken me this long to realize I’ve never told you that our traditional hash is available in over 160 dispensaries across Colorado, and all you have to do to find the closest one is look at our hash-finder map that you can see HERE. Isn’t that wonderful?

The reason that our hashes are so much better than everything else out there is that we don’t use hydrocarbons to make our products; we don’t need butane to make concentrates like everyone else because the old-school way is just fine. We tumble our pot and collect the kief, and then we bake it or press it to make the most wholistic form of hashish you can imagine, and our processes stand the test of time because people have been making hash just like we do for thousands of years. So, come see us, or click on the map to go see one of our friends, because international hashes are wonderful, and because We’re Your Best Buds!

AiroPro in Durango

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There’s a universal sign language gesture for “marijuana vape cartridge,” and I bet you already know it, because every tourist who walks though our door uses it without knowing. They’ll come in and hold up their hand and then hold their thumb and forefinger apart by an inch or so, and say something like, “do you have those vape thingies?” Lately, just to have a little bit of fun behind the counter, as soon as someone holds up their hand in the universal “vape thingy” symbol, I say “you’re looking for a vape cartridge” before they can ask for one, and they give me a weird look, as if they just met a psychic.

But there’s another gesture people use as well that I’ve learned is universal: sometimes, when a customer who’s looking for a cartridge comes in, they’ll pinch their fingers together and move their hand up and down like they’re plugging something in, and they’ll ask, “do you have those magnetic vape things?” Well, I used to say “no” because we didn’t carry them, but so many people asked that we decided to add them to our shelves. Oh… and by the way, instead of asking for the “magnetic vape things,” all you need to do is ask for an AiroPro Vape Cartridge, and we’ll say yes, because now we have tons of them in our Durango dispensary.

Yes, it took us a while to bring this product on given that it came out a few years ago, but there’s a reason for that. In the beginning, only one company filled the cartridges for this vape system, and the oil itself wasn’t that good. But now, a company called EvoLab took over, and they’re filling the AiroPro carts with some of the best oil and Live Resin in the state. Frankly, we couldn’t be more excited to have AiroPro products on our shelves, but that doesn’t do you any good if you don’t know the details, so here they are:

AiroPro Battery

There are two different types of vape batteries on the market: 510-threaded batteries, and pod-system batteries. The first type is pretty universal, and with it, you screw the cart onto the battery (“510” is the thread size). The second type is becoming increasingly popular—with pod-systems, you simply plug the pod into the battery, which is quicker and easier, and then start smoking. However, the reason the AiroPro system is so awesome is that it’s a hybrid that lives right in the middle. There’s a magnet inside the AiroPro battery, and all you do is drop in a cartridge (which sticks to the magnet) and then inhale. It’s super easy. But you can also buy a little adaptor online that screws onto 510-threaded cartridges to make them compatible with the AiroPro battery, so you get the best of both worlds, which is game changing.

As to the battery itself, it’s pretty slick. It’s a 320mAh battery, so its power level is right in that middle Goldilocks zone, but the cartridges themselves were designed to give off three times the vapor as a regular 510-threaded carts, so if you pull hard when you inhale, the vapor cloud is much larger than you’d expect from a 320mAh battery.

But the most interesting thing about the AiroPro battery is the haptic feedback; it vibrates while you’re inhaling to let you know it’s working. That way, there aren’t any flashing lights when you get high, making this one of the more discrete vaporizers out there. And remember that magnet inside I was telling you about? Well, it’s strong enough to turn the entire battery into a magnet, which means you can stick your vape pen on your refrigerator, if you’re into that sort of thing. Why knows? Maybe you’re the type who likes to take a hit every time you open your fridge; we don’t judge.

AiroPro Oil Cartridges

This is the exciting part, because like I said, now that EvoLab is filling the AiroPro cartridges, you can get awesome oil for an awesome vape system, and in the cannabis industry, that’s like having your cake and eating it, too. So, we’ve brought on a Sativa, Hybrid, and Indica version of the 500mg Alchemy oil from EvoLab. If you haven’t tried this stuff, you should probably stop reading now and come get one.

AiroPro Live Resin Cartridge

The best thing about batteries like the AiroPro system is that cartridges just pop in and pop out, so it’s easy to switch back and forth in the middle of your smoke session. And trust me, you need a Live Resin cartridge in your line up, because this is the stuff made with fresh-frozen flower, not dried and cured flower like everything else. The LR carts we brought in for the AiroPro come from Fuego, and they’re even a bit better than the Alchemy, if such a thing were possible.

And that’s that! So, if you’re looking for a new high-tech vape system, or if you’re one of the many people who’ve come in asking for “one of those magnetic vape thingies” along with the universal hand gesture, come see us! Our hours are awesome, and we’re open seven days a week, so when it comes to AiroPro batteries and cartridges in Durango, We’re Your Best Buds!


Photo credit to Airo Vapor

Dabbing Temperatures

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Did you know that I take requests for blog topics? For real, sometimes it feels like I’m a DJ or a cover band, because regulars who actually read these things will come in to our Durango dispensary and ask me to write something in-depth about this or that topic, and if it’s something I haven’t covered, I never argue. And this week, that’s exactly what’s happening, because the “what temperature should I use when dabbing” question has come up more than once, so let’s get into it.

First things first, if you want a refresher on exactly what it means to “dab,” click HERE, but then again, if you’re at the point wherein you’re looking for the perfect temperature, it might be a bit redundant. Now, as to temperatures, there are two ways to measure accurately after heating your nail or banger. One, if you’re the type of dabber who uses a torch, you’ll need a temperature laser gun, and a savvy shopper can get one for about $30 online. With this gun, you heat up your nail or banger with your torch per usual, but then you shoot it with the laser to get a temperature readout. If it’s too cold, use more flame, if it’s too hot, be patient and wait, or blow on your nail lightly.

Yes, this is the most labor-intensive way of achieving a perfect dab temperature, but it’s also the most affordable, because an E-Nail can cost quite a bit (but it’s quite a bit better). Long story short, an e-nail is an electronic doohickey that you attach to the ribs on your nail or onto the bottom of your banger. Then all you do is flip a switch to turn it on, and then set the temperature on the electronic readout to the exact reading you’d like. The e-nail will keep your nail or banger at the desired temperature, so there’s no need for torches or lasers, and you don’t have to worry about cooling, so you’ll get consistent dab temperatures for each hit.

Now, before we get to the actual temperatures (we’ll get there, I promise), there are two peripheral things we need to discuss, the first of which is the material out of which your nail or banger is made. Most people turn to titanium because they never break, but I’d suggest rethinking this choice, especially if you’re the type of consumer concerned with quality (and if you’re worried about exact temperatures, that’s exactly who you are). Yes, titanium is durable, it heats up quickly, and it retains heat, but the taste isn’t nearly as good as it is with other materials, and there are many different titanium alloys on the market, which leads to inconsistences. So, that would leave you with two material options: quartz, or ceramic. Quartz heats up very quickly and it gives a superb flavor, but it also cools down quickly, and since quartz is transparent, you cannot get an accurate temperature reading with one of those fancy laser guns. So, I recommend ceramic. It’s not transparent, so a laser gun will work, but ceramic also goes well with e-nails. True, ceramic nails or bangers take the longest to heat up, but patience is a good thing, and they retain heat as well as provide perfect flavor.

The second issue is that internal temperature differs greatly from surface temperature, but you only need to worry about this with e-nails because the laser gun method reads surface temperature only, and that’s what matters. So, if you’re using an e-nail and you’re hunting for the perfect dab temperature, I’d recommend reading THIS study, because the e-nail regulates internal temperature, which is usually lower than the surface temperature. So, when using an e-nail, you’ll need to crank up the temperature by ten degrees or so to ensure that the nail’s surface is where you want it.

Alright, on to the numbers. There are five basic temperature ranges, which I’ll give in Fahrenheit, but don’t worry, I’ll break these down as well:

1.) 0⁰-300⁰: this is a very low-temp dab, and it will give the best flavor, but many cannabinoids won’t be vaporized at this temperature, so you’ll end up wasting quite a bit of your dab, which is no good.

2.) 300⁰-450⁰: This range is the goldilocks zone because it’s just right, so aim here. You still get all the flavor from a low-temp dab, but you also vaporize all the cannabinoids, so the intensity is there as well.

3.) 450⁰-600⁰: You need to be careful at this temperature because with the last two, all you’re getting is vapor, but when you get north of 450 degrees, you also start to burn your dab, so your hit will be a mixture of vapor and smoke. So, you’ll gain intensity at the cost of flavor, and if you’re reading this blog, that’s not what you want.

4.) 600⁰-1000⁰: Don’t do this. Just about everything you’ll breathe in is smoke, and you’ll get absurdly high, but the harshness will cover up all the flavor. This is like taking double shots of whiskey instead of sipping it, and with fine whiskey, or fine dabs, that’s completely pointless and superfluous.

Now, let’s get into exact temperatures. As you know, when you dab something, the heat from your nail or banger should cause the product to boil, not burn (which is why the last two temperature ranges are too high), so what you’re breathing in is the “steam” or vapor from the flash-boiled material. So, all you need to do to dial in your dab temperature is to find the exact boiling point for the cannabinoid or terpene you’re trying to enjoy. For instance, here are the three boiling points for three different cannabinoids:

THC: 315⁰

CBD: 356⁰

CBN: 365⁰

So, can you see why the “0-300” degree range will give you good flavor but not much intensity? You’ll boil some terpenes, but the THC itself won’t boil until 315 degrees, so you’ll be missing out on most of the high. However, (and this is where we get into the connoisseur stuff), quite a few dabbers are looking to enjoy specific terpenes, so I’ll provide those temperatures as well. And I’m not going to get into the terpenes themselves, because if you’re about to dab them, you already know (but for a refresher, click HERE). Here are the boiling points and tasting notes for six of the most famous cannabis terpenes:

Myrcene: 330⁰ This one tastes like cloves and funk.

Limonene: 350⁰ This one tasted like citrus fruit rinds.

Linalool: 388⁰ This is the floral-tasting terpene.

Caryophyllene: 390⁰ This one tastes peppery.

Pinene: 420⁰ Yes, it tastes like pine.

Humulene: 435⁰ This one tastes like the forest (trust me).

The last thing we need to discuss is hand-held vape pens. The affordable ones have low, medium, and high temperature settings, so again, I’d go with medium because balance is always best. However, if you spent the money and got a vape pen with a digital readout, go ahead and use the same degree settings as you would with a nail or banger because you’ll get the same flavor profiles, albeit with a smaller vapor cloud.

There! That’s just about all there is to know when it comes to vape temperatures, and if you’re one of the people who requested this topic, I kept my promise! However, if you still have questions, come in and see us at 208 Parker Avenue, or give us a call at (970) 403-3710, and we’ll answer them. Or, if there’s something pot-related you’d like me to write about, come in to our Durango dispensary and ask for Jesse and then tell me your idea. We’re always willing to take requests to keep you informed, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Different Kinds of Marijuana Vape Oil

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The CDC finally said something concrete about all the noise that’s been in the news lately about vape-related illnesses! You can read the full article HERE, but basically, they’re saying that Vitamin E Acetate may the problem, which only shows up in black market vape cartridges. It’s typical illegal drug dealer nonsense: when they have a bunch of cannabis oil, they want to cut it with an additive to stretch their product, and since vitamin E oil looks like cannabis oil, that’s what a bunch of them used thinking it’d be okay because it’s a vitamin. But, it’s not—the oil congeals in your lungs making oxygen absorption difficult (if not impossible), and then people end up in hospitals.

Again, and I’m going to use all-caps for emphasis, VITAMIN E ACETATE DOES NOT EXIST IN ANY OF THE VAPE PRODUCTS WE SELL, so it’s not something you need to worry about in our Durango dispensary. And really, it’s not even the reason I sat down to write this blog. Ever since vapes started showing up in the news, the people walking through our doors have more questions than usual (rightfully so), and many of them are centered on the different types of cannabis oil we sell. So, this week, I wanted to get proactive and write about all the differences to give you some reference material, and frankly, it’s a necessity these days because we sell six different types. Let’s get into them:

Ethanol Oil: This was the first type of commercial vape oil on the market, and even though it started to disappear a couple years ago due to the emergence of other extraction methods, we’re seeing a resurgence of ethanol vapes on the market because it’s an easy and cost-effective way of making oils. When ethanol is used, a bunch of flower is soaked in ethanol to make a slurry, and then the slurry goes into a purge oven to remove the residual ethanol. It’s as simple as that, and if you want to try an ethanol-distilled oil, try one of our V3 Cartridges.

CO2: The emergence of CO2 is one of the factors that led to the decline in ethanol distillation because CO2 is less caustic than ethanol, but it’s also a more costly process. First, the flower is ground as finely a flour, and then it’s baked to decarboxylate the cannabinoids. The baked flower is then put into a stainless-steel tube, through which supercritical CO2 is pumped (the CO2 acts as a solvent and strips all the cannabinoids from the flower). The resulting oil is poured out, and then it’s put through an ethanol winterization process to remove the residual lipids and whatnot. And if you’d like to try a CO2 oil vape for comparison purposes, come snag one of our Sweet Cartridges or Lucky Turtle Syringes; they’re both wonderful.

BHO: This is where we start getting into the three-letter acronyms, which can be a bit tricky, but “BHO” stands for “butane hash oil.” Most BHO products come in solid forms, such as shatter or wax, and they’re like the ethanol products in that the end product must go into a purge oven to remove the residual butane. However, the process is identical to CO2 oils, albeit with butane instead of CO2. Get it? We don’t sell any BHO carts in our shop, but we have plenty of wax and shatter, so we’ve still got you covered.

PHO: No, this isn’t the spicy Asian soup that everyone mispronounces; “PHO” stands for “Propane Hash Oil.” And for the record, please don’t be worried about the butane or propane used to make these products. They’re all purged out and the products are tested by state-licensed labs to make sure it’s done properly; that’s why legal products are better than the black-market versions. Anyway, yes, you guessed it, the PHO process is identical to the BHO process, except propane is used instead of butane. However, PHO products can be much tastier because propane strips the cannabinoids out of flower at lower temperatures and pressures than other hydrocarbons, and the end product is a much brighter yellow that’s richer in terpenes. We just brought on a new PHO cart from Shift that’s simply wonderful because all the cannabis terpenes contained in each cart are listed on the label. It’s next level. For real, if you call yourself a cannabis connoisseur but you’ve never tried a PHO cart, you need to come in immediately.

SHO: “SHO” stands for “solventless hash oil,” and this is the rare stuff. It’s exceedingly difficult and costly to make a vaporizable oil without solvents because the only things you’re allowed to use are pressure, heat, and water, and the end product usually ends up being lower in THC than the hydrocarbon counterparts. Right now, we have two SHO products in solid form, Rosin and Live Rosin, but there’s a chance we’ll add a SHO cart to our lineup in the near future, so stay tuned.

FSE: “FSE” stands for “Full Spectrum Extract,” and butane is used just like with BHO, but the source material is different. Instead of dry flower being used, FSE producers use fresh-frozen flower—this is when the marijuana is immediately frozen after harvest. The freezing process bursts the plant cells, making the cannabinoids easier to extract, but it also preserves the terpenes that can be lost in the drying process that’s skipped with FSE. The end product that goes into a vape cartridge is actually liquid Live Resin, which is the tastiest, most potent concentrate on the market. For real, if you want to jump straight to the top and try the best cannabis vape cartridge on the market, come into our shop and pick up a Green Dot FSE cart. I can’t promise a lot, but I promise there’s nothing else like an FSE cart.

There! That’s all you need to know about the different types of cannabis vapes, but please, if you have questions, come see us at 208 Parker Avenue (or call us at 970-403-3710) and ask whatever you’d like. It’s very important to us that you understand the difference between our regulated cartridges and the bad ones on the street, and it’s also important to us that you know exactly what you’re putting into your lungs, because We’re Your Best Buds!

Live Rosin and THCa Crystals in Durango

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My inner pot nerd is so, so excited right now, because the two products I’m writing about this week are both next-level dabs designed for the hashish connoisseur, and we’re the only Durango dispensary selling them. For real, I usually start these posts with a story or anecdote just to keep things fun, but I’m going to skip all that nonsense this time and simply jump right into it because I can’t wait. Let’s go…

Live Rosin is as good as a dab gets, and it takes a true extraction company to make this stuff properly—that’s exactly how I’d describe Kush Masters, who is our Live Rosin supplier. And the reason it takes a master to make this stuff is because Live Rosin is hash made from hash; let me explain. The first step is to make Bubble Hash, which is a touchy process. First, flower is put into an agitator with an ice-water bath. The ice water makes the trichome heads brittle, which are the THC-packed crystals on the bud’s surface, and then the agitation breaks them off. This creates a hash-filled slurry which is filtered through a series of micron screens, and then the resulting hash is put into a freeze dryer to remove the moisture, but all of that is just the first step.

Next, fresh-frozen flower is brought into the picture (this is when growers take their flower and freeze it immediately after harvest instead of drying and curing their crop). In fresh-frozen flower, all the terpenes are preserved via the freezing process, and the plant cells burst, which makes the extraction process much easier. Then comes the fun part: the fresh-frozen flower is covered in bubble hash, wrapped in steel mesh, and then put into a heated press. The combination of heat and pressure presses all the cannabinoids out of the mixture in the steel mesh, thereby leaving behind all the plant matter, and then boom, Live Rosin is born. In my opinion, Live Rosin is the pinnacle of dabs because it’s completely solventless, yet it has the potency of a hydrocarbon extract, which is rare indeed. Fun fact: rosin is called “rosin” because it looks like the rosin fiddlers use on their bows. Anyway, moving on…

THCa Crystals, or Crystalline, however, is the most potent concentrate on the market—this hash can come in at 99% THCa—and it takes a straight-up scientist to make this stuff. Once again, I’ll explain. First, more of that fresh-frozen flower is stuffed into an extraction tube through which supercritical butane is pumped. Butane is a hydrocarbon, so it strips from the plant matter all the cannabinoids to make an oil, which is poured out of the tube. Next, the oil (which is called “live resin” at this point) is put into a purge oven which removes the residual butane with heat and a vacuum pump. And then the live resin is put into a bath of acetic acid (the same stuff you’d find in vinegar) and hexane, which removes even more of the plant matter and impurities. The resulting solution is then put through a filtration system, and then into a roto-evaporator (which is a ridiculous machine that looks like R2-D2). The roto-evaporator uses heat and motion to separate out the THCa from the solution.

At this point, many crystalline makers take things a step further with a second bath of chloroform and methanol, which strips out all the terpenes to make a pure-white hash that’s 99% THCa, but that’s gross because terpenes give hash its wonderful taste. That’s why we chose Viola Extracts as our Crystalline supplier. They use only the first bath to make their crystals, which are referred to as “unwashed,” because skipping the second bath preserves all the flavor, which is a good thing. Their crystalline is in the 96% THCa range, and it still contains enough terpenes to give it a spectacular cannabis flavor as well as a nuanced high. Honestly, this stuff is simply insane.

Can you see why any pot nerd would blow a gasket over these dabs? Concentrates such as these simply didn’t exist before legalization because you need labs and chemists to make them, and even now that they exist, they’re exceedingly difficult to find in mountain towns like Durango because all the demand for crazy dabs lives in the big cities. And yet here they both are, sitting on the shelves at our Durango dispensary, because that’s how we roll. And please, don’t be put off by how complicated these two concentrates sound because they’re both easy to smoke—to learn two new ways of doing so, click HERE. Either way, please know that at The Greenery, we’ve always striven to bring the newest and best cannabis innovations to Durango, exactly like we’ve done with Live Rosin and Crystalline, because We’re Your Best Buds!

The History of Hashish

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The elusive origins of hashish are steeped in mythology and shrouded in mystery, thus, arriving to a conclusion about just when humans began to craft concentrates from the Cannabis plant is extremely difficult. Archaeological evidence and reference to sieving cannabis resin or hashish seems to appear in 9th century Muslim texts, however, there are also depictions of the Cannabis plant that date back roughly 15,000 years ago to the Neolithic Jomon period, which leads one to ask: when did our ancestors begin to figure out cannabis concentrates? The best we can do is an educated guess: applied knowledge and logical reasoning seem to bring one to the conclusion that our ancient ancestors’ discovery of hashish coincided with evolution of agriculture.

Before moving forward, it may be helpful to clarify what is meant by “Hashish” or, you may have heard it simply referred to as, “hash.” As defined by Hashish Master, Frenchy Cannoli in a Weed World Magazine article, titled The Origins of Concentrate,  hashish is “a psychoactive drug made from sieving the resin glands of dried Cannabis flowers and pressing them with a source of heat.”

As mentioned earlier, there is strong evidence that shows humans have had a relationship with the cannabis plant for thousands of years. In fact, Cannabis was among the very first plants to be “domesticated by humanity” and so, it is reasonable to deduce that we had gained an intimate knowledge of the plant. Anyone with experience in Cannabis cultivation knows the inevitability of the sticky resin buildup on the hands and fingers. Our Neolithic ancestors would have experienced this also, and thus, this inevitable layer of resin on the hands of ancient cannabis cultivators, Frenchy concludes, would theoretically be the first concentrate made, albeit accidentally.

This method of live resin collection, would be rediscovered and named, ‘charas’ thousands of years later in the Himalayas. According to Frenchy, charas is the oldest form of concentrate, and remains the primary collection method employed today in the Himalayas.

Another method of resin collection from dry plants- which involves sieving to separate the resin glands from the plant material- would develop later. While evidence shows that humans have had the basketry technology necessary to sieve seeds from plants, and therefore, adapt that technology to collect dry cannabis resin since prehistoric times, no archaeological evidence exists to date hashish production that far back- although arriving to that conclusion is no great logical leap.

We know, from literary reference  in The Tale of Two Hashish-Eaters from the traditional Arabic text, 1001 Nights, that the use of  hashish was commonly known by the 11th & 12th centuries.  Though it is reasonable to believe it was practiced in 10th century at least from the earliest myth surrounding hashish, The Old Man of the Mountains, Hasan ibn al-Sabbah and his legendary assassins, who were fabled take hashish (it is likely that the word ‘assassin’ is thus derived from ‘hashishin’ as is referenced in the film John Wick III). Beyond these early stories, there is mention to eating hashish in 9th century Muslim texts by alchemists al-Razi and Ibn Wahshiyya. At the earliest, we can be comfortable in saying eating hashish was established sometime around the 9th century.

Early use of cannabis resin concentrate would have first been employed in incense, then the psychoactive properties certainly would have been discovered says master Frenchy Cannoli (perhaps by accidental ingestion of the resin layer on hands of ancient cultivators), and then ingested (as suggested in 1001 Nights), and lastly inhaled as smoke. Cannabis historian, Robert C Clarke, says in his book Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany, says that hashish’s use was probably “more widespread than previously recognized.”

Part of hashish’s cloudy origins is likely due to religious beliefs or trade advantages in keeping techniques secretive, explains Frenchy, as was the case with highly valued incense. Olfactory sensations have been used for “sacred or healing purposes” for millennia. Some incenses were valued so highly in the ancient world, that it was obviously advantageous to keep the ‘recipes’ and methods secret. The same would be the case of early hashish methods.

We likely ingested hashish long before we inhaled it, although we could never be certain, there has been three discoveries of pipes that possibly could have been used for cannabis (according to Clarke) that date prior to the Columbian era. What solid evidence that we have, however, seems to indicate that the rise of smoking hashish coincided with the advent of the rise of tobacco smoking from the New World: “Soon after tobacco was introduced to Eurasia, hashish was mixed with it and smoked.” says Robert Clarke. This happens in the early 16th century. Hashish “tagged along on the international success of tobacco, thus the hashish market blossomed anew within a few decades.”

It is impossible to determine exactly when humans began to use hashish or a form of concentrate, however, we do know that the practice had been established by ancient times and was likely discovered long before it was recorded with the methods shrouded in secrecy. Humanity’s relationship with cannabis concentrates has a long and colorful history.

That history is alive today at The Greenery Hash Factory, where we favor tradition in hand-crafting our hashes. The Greenery Hash Factory brings authentic hashish to Colorado in the form of Kief Brick Hash, Lebanese Hash, Moroccan Hash, and Hash Joints. All our hashes can be found at The Greenery, our Durango dispensary, and these dispensaries across the state of Colorado.

We’re your best buds!

The THC Classic

Remove term: best caviar best caviarRemove term: best dispensary best dispensaryRemove term: budtender budtenderRemove term: cannabis cannabisRemove term: cannabis connoisseur cannabis connoisseurRemove term: caviar caviarRemove term: Colorado ColoradoRemove term: colorado cannabis colorado cannabisRemove term: colorado hash colorado hashRemove term: colorado marijuana colorado marijuanaRemove term: concentrates concentratesRemove term: connoisseur cannabis connoisseur cannabisRemove term: dispensaries durango dispensaries durangoRemove term: dispensaries durango co dispensaries durango coRemove term: dispensaries in durango dispensaries in durangoRemove term: dispensaries in durango co dispensaries in durango coRemove term: dispensaries in durango colorado dispensaries in durango coloradoRemove term: dispensary dispensaryRemove term: dispensary deals dispensary dealsRemove term: dispensary durango dispensary durangoRemove term: dispensary durango co dispensary durango coRemove term: dispensary durango hash dispensary durango hashRemove term: dispensary near me dispensary near meRemove term: dispensary operating hours dispensary operating hoursRemove term: Durango DurangoRemove term: durango co dispensary durango co dispensaryRemove term: durango dispensaries durango dispensariesRemove term: Durango Dispensary Durango DispensaryRemove term: durango dispensary durango durango dispensary durangoRemove term: durango dispensary menu durango dispensary menuRemove term: durango hash durango hashRemove term: durango weed durango weedRemove term: edibles ediblesRemove term: greenery hash greenery hashRemove term: greenery hash factory greenery hash factoryRemove term: hash hashRemove term: hash colorado hash coloradoRemove term: hash durango hash durangoRemove term: hash factory hash factoryRemove term: hash in colorado hash in coloradoRemove term: hash in durango hash in durangoRemove term: infused flower infused flowerRemove term: lebanese lebaneseRemove term: lebanese hash lebanese hashRemove term: marijuana marijuanaRemove term: marijuana dispensary marijuana dispensaryRemove term: marijuana edibles marijuana ediblesRemove term: menu dispensary durango menu dispensary durangoRemove term: menu durango dispensary menu durango dispensaryRemove term: moonroocks moonroocksRemove term: moroccan moroccanRemove term: moroccan hash moroccan hashRemove term: old school hash old school hashRemove term: recreational marijuana recreational marijuanaRemove term: rooster magazine rooster magazineRemove term: solventless concentrates solventless concentratesRemove term: solventless hash solventless hashRemove term: Southwest Colorado Dispensary Southwest Colorado DispensaryRemove term: thc classic thc classicRemove term: thc classic winner thc classic winnerRemove term: The Greenery The GreeneryRemove term: the greenery durango the greenery durangoRemove term: The Greenery Hash Factory The Greenery Hash FactoryRemove term: the greenery menu the greenery menuRemove term: the greenery order the greenery order

I’m still getting used to the idea of marijuana business trips. The business trip part is simple enough because I did that for over a decade—I got used to the slacks and nice shirts, the hotels and continental breakfasts, the company bar tabs and small talk. And when you think about it, nothing should change if you throw marijuana into the mix because legalized marijuana has created a business that’s just as legitimate as all the others, but it’s still weird. Thus far, I’ve been on four business trips for our marijuana company, and I’m planning my fifth. I grab my business cards and my laptop and my nice shirts just like I used to, and I travel around selling commodities to business owners just like I used to. And it was all getting workaday just like it used to be, starting to feel normal, but during the last week of March, I went on a business trip that would remind me of just how odd this whole thing really is.

Long story short, we decided to enter a few products from our Greenery Hash Factory in The THC Classic that’s put on annually by Rooster Magazine. We’d never entered a competition like this one before because we thought going up against the big guys might be tilting at windmills; some of those companies operate chains of dispensaries and concentrate production facilities that’ve been open since the beginning. So, when we got the call that we’d need to show up to accept our awards, it seemed a bit surreal. But we shifted schedules here in the shop so the Hash Factory could go as a team, we grabbed our business cards and laptops, and we hit the road for Denver.

We checked into our hotel and grabbed a bite to eat. We called an Uber and headed down to the Temple Nightclub, where the award ceremony would be held. Our Uber driver was from Morocco, which we took to be a good sign because one of our contest entries was our Moroccan Hash, but we still didn’t know what to expect. When we showed up, the scene was exactly what you’d expect at a nightclub: there were red ropes and a line, there were irritable bouncers and flashing lights, and there were party girls dressed in grass skirts and coconut braziers who were obviously paid to be there. We waited in line, endured the pat-down, and then walked into a thumping nightclub that was packed with 1,000 people who worked in the cannabis industry. It was crazy.

Cheech Marin (from Cheech and Chong) was rumored to be somewhere in the crowd, but I never saw the guy, but two of my team members got a picture with Afroman who ended up playing a concert to close out the night. A little later, the award ceremony started, with speeches and applause exactly like you’d expect, and we ended up taking home two trophies, one for our Caviar, and one for our Lebanese Hash. Isn’t that insane? Not that long ago, we’d be locked up for making hash and distributing it across Colorado, but now, we get to walk onto a stage, shake hands with the guy holding a microphone, and then hold our trophies high as a crowd of 1,000 marijuana professionals cheer our accomplishment. It was one hell of a day.

To back up a bit, “caviar” is marijuana flower that has been coated in hash oil and kief, and Lebanese Hash is an old-school concentrate that’s made from pressed kief, just like the stuff that was smuggled into the States way-back-when. And I’m not just talking about this stuff because of the two new trophies that are sitting in our Durango dispensary; you can also buy our hash, and if you’re in Durango, you’ll need to come to us because we’re the only people in town selling it. Just be prepared to hear us call our hash “award-winning,” because we now have a couple trophies to prove that we really are Your Best Buds!


Connoisseur Cannabis

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Lately, I’ve noticed a shift. About a year ago, most shoppers would come in and ask for my “cheapest” cannabis, but now, people are requesting the “best.” I know this change is occurring, but I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because people bought from illegal dealers less than half a decade ago, and back then, you got what you got, and price was the only variable. But now that there’s a wide variety of legal cannabis, maybe people are slowly starting to lean towards quality over price. Or maybe it’s because legal cannabis has made it so a new, affluent demographic of shopper is buying weed. Or better yet, maybe the consumer base is being educated by a legal cannabis industry, and they’re starting to figure out that you get what you pay for when it comes to pot, just like you do with everything else. I’m not sure. Either way, the cannabis culture is changing into something that values quality over the “let’s get high off something cheap” paradigm that ruled the world back when pot was sold in plastic bags on street corners.

And I can prove it—if you’re an uber pot-nerd and you’d like to read something proving that trends are changing, you can read a bona fide study HERE that was commissioned by the state’s Marijuana Enforcement Division to chart the changes in consumer purchasing trends. It shows exactly how the 302 metric tons (holy crap!) of cannabis that were sold in 2017 were allocated between flower and edibles and concentrates and whatnot. Granted, the study doesn’t delve into why the trends are changing, but it proves that they are.

But if you think about it, the “why” doesn’t really matter, and as an integral part of the legal cannabis community here in Colorado, it’s The Greenery’s job to take note of what consumers want and then provide it; that’s what we do. And this week, I wanted to write a post for all you connoisseurs out there and tell you about three top-end products that we’re selling for people with discerning tastes. Let’s get started…

1.) FSE Cartridges from Green Dot Labs.

Simply put, these are incredible. “FSE” stands for “full-spectrum extract,” which means that anything and everything you’ll find in the plant has made its way into these cartridges. Each of these carts is filled with 500mg of the purest, terpene-rich FSE on the market. Green Dot Labs uses in-house genetics for their carts (meaning they grow custom varietals to make the best concentrates) to provide Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid options. I never recommend this product for newbies because it gets you very high, but if you’re a connoisseur, this cartridge is for you because there honestly isn’t a better one on the planet.

2.) Boutique Flower from The Greenery Grow.

We really do grow the best pot in Durango. I’ve written about it before (for more, click HERE) because we’re so proud of our cultivation facility, but it’s all worth saying twice. We use good bugs to kill the bad bugs instead of using caustic pesticides; we pump CO2 particulates onto the fanleaves to increase photosynthesis; we use light-emitting ceramic bulbs that are better than the sun. We do everything possible to grow the highest-quality cannabis to ever grace this mountain town, so if you’re a connoisseur, it’s pointless to shop elsewhere.

3.) Artisanal Chocolate Truffles from Coda Signature.

Coda’s head chocolatier, Lauren Gockley, is one of the ten best in the nation, and I’m not just talking about chocolatiers who make cannabis edibles. This is one of those rare occasions wherein one of the best names in the culinary world decided to play her hand in the cannabis industry, and we’ve all won as a result. Coda’s chocolate can hold its own right alongside the best confections out there and it gets you high, which is a definite win-win. And the hand-painted truffles from Coda (which come in flavors like tiramisu, earl grey, passion fruit, and burnt caramel) are firmly in the connoisseur lane because they’re made from ethically-sourced chocolate, pure CO2 cannabis oil, and unrivaled artistry.

There you go. If you’re one of the discerning customers out there who values quality over thrift, you really should come into our Durango dispensary—we’re selling the best of the best, because if you’re a connoisseur, We’re Your Best Buds too!